Investment Recommendation Definitions

Investment Recommendations given by Panmure Liberum are provided in different publication types, the definitions of which are outlined below. These reflect the author’s assessment of a stock's potential return.

Panmure Liberum Research Notes
There are three recommendation types:

  • BUY stocks are expected to have a total shareholder return of at least +10%.
  • HOLD stocks are expected to have a total shareholder return of between -10% and +10%.
  • SELL stocks are expected to have a total shareholder return of -10% or less.

The time horizon for which the recommendation is deemed valid is 12 months unless otherwise specified in the particular research.

Panmure Liberum SAM
The Panmure Liberum SAM systematic approach ranks stocks against their Revisions Momentum, Combined Shareholder Value and Valuation Rankings. These rankings are relative to a defined population (Europe, United States etc.). Each stock is assigned a decile figure showing its position within each ranking. The decile scores are combined to give an overall Summary Ranking for each stock. Each stock is also assigned an Analysis Category based on these rankings.

The table below shows how the combination of these rankings and scores leads to a particular Analysis Category. The Analysis Categories then ultimately lead to either a Recommended Action and/or an Investment View. This is explained in the table below.

Analysis Categories

Summary Ranking

Revisions Momentum

Combined Shareholder Value / Valuation Rankings

Recommended Actions

Investment Views

Most attractive

Score above 8

Score above 5 and not falling significantly

Indicate opportunity


i.e. continue to buy more or go overweight


See ‘Recommended Actions’


Score between 5 and 8

Score above 5 and not falling significantly

Indicate opportunity

Potential, improving

Score above 2.5

Score of 5 or below, improving significantly

Indicate opportunity

No Action

See left for an ‘Investment View’

Alert +

i.e. get interested, potential future buy

Fair, deteriorating

Score above 5

Score above 5, falling significantly

Indicate opportunity

Alert –

i.e. get interested, potential future sell

Hold on

Score of 5 or below

Score above 5 and not falling significantly

Indicate risk


i.e. take no action or do not sell

Hold off

Score above 5

Score of 5 or below and not improving significantly

Indicate opportunity


i.e. take no action or do not buy

Poor, improving

Score above 5

Score of 5 or below, improving significantly

Indicate risk

Alert +

i.e. get interested, potential future buy

Risk, deteriorating

Score below 7.5

Score above 5, falling significantly

Indicate risk

Alert –

i.e. get interested, potential future sell


Score between 2 and 5

Score below 5 and not improving significantly

Indicate risk


i.e. continue to sell more or go short


See ‘Recommended Actions’

Least attractive

Score of 2 and below

Score below 5 and not improving significantly

Indicate risk


Relative performance is not anticipated within any particular timescale but, rather, depends on changes in overall ranking and especially that for revisions momentum. A full explanation of the methodology and of the definition and purpose of each measure is available on request.

Please note the ‘Distribution relative to market’ graph shows how stocks in a selected population are distributed into each of the Recommended Action and/or Investment View groupings in comparison to the current overall distribution within the region specified by a SAMnav user. Recommended Actions are Buy, Sell or No Action as defined in the table above. Where the stock has a No Action recommendation, an Investment View is given. These terms are also defined above. The regions available for a SAMnav user are Global, Europe, United States, North America, United Kingdom, Asia Pacific, Japan and Malaysia. Example: if 30% of a selected population falls into a Buy Recommended Action on the SAMnav matrix while 20% of the selected regional population falls into a Buy Recommended Action, the value shown in the distribution graph would be +50%. 

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