CGS-CIMB Research Disclaimer

CGS-CIMB Disclaimer
The content of this report (including the views and opinions expressed therein, and the information comprised therein) has been prepared for and is distributed by CGS-CIMB, pursuant to an arrangement between Liberum Capital Limited (“LCL”) and CGS-CIMB. Neither LCL, Research Partners AG nor Agency Partners LLP are an affiliate of CGS-CIMB. Where this report has been produced by Agency Partners LLP or Research Partners AG, (each a “Third-Party Authoring Firm”) this has been provided to LCL pursuant to a distribution agreement between LCL and the Third-Party Authoring Firm.

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Unless otherwise specified, this report is based upon reasonable sources. Such sources will, unless otherwise specified, for market data, be market data and prices available from the main stock exchange or market where the relevant security is listed, or, where appropriate, any other market. Information on the accounts and business of company(ies) will generally be based on published statements of the company(ies), information disseminated by regulatory information services, other publicly available information and information resulting from our research. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that statements of facts made in this report are accurate, all estimates, projections, forecasts, expressions of opinion and other subjective judgments contained in this report are based on assumptions considered to be reasonable as of the date of the document in which they are contained and must not be construed as a representation that the matters referred to therein will occur. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of investments may go down as well as up and those investing may, depending on the investments in question, lose more than the initial investment. No report shall constitute an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of CGS-CIMB or LCL, or their respective affiliates (including CGSIHL, CIMBG and their respective related corporations) to any person to buy or sell any investments.

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